Saturday, July 12, 2014

Forbidden Foods Explicitly

Halal foods are foods that are allowed under Islamic dietary guidelines. According to these guidelines gathered from the Quran, Muslim followers cannot consume the following: A variety of substances are considered as haraam (harmful) for humans to consume and, therefore, forbidden as per various Quranic verses: • Pork [Quran 2:173] • Blood [Quran 2:173] • Animals slaughtered in the name of anyone other than ''Allah''. All that has been dedicated or offered in sacrifice to an idolatrous altar or saint or a person considered to be ''divine'' [Quran 2:173] and [Quran 5:3] • Carrion (carcasses of dead animals) [Quran 2:173] • An animal that has been strangled, beaten (to death), killed by a fall, gored (to death), savaged by a beast of prey (unless finished off by a human) [Quran 5:3] • Food over which Allah’s name is not pronounced [Quran 6:121] • Alcohol[Quran 5:90] • These verses also have information regarding halal foods: [Quran 2:173, 5:5, and 6:118-119, 121].

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