Saturday, July 12, 2014

Hindu girl and Bengali-Muslim guy – love conflict

Hi all, I’m not sure if anyone has been in this situation. I am 30 years old, and when I was 18 I met this Bengali guy and we went out for 7 years. Neither of our families knew and then we broke up just because it would be difficult for us to marry due to our religious differences. We always kept in touch and and have been very close over the years - I haven’t dated anyone properly since we broke up just because we still have a strong connection. Over the years we have tried to stay away as we know how difficult our situation is however recently he told me that as he is getting older (he is 34) and has so much family pressure on him, he has to start thinking about settling down. He had discussed with his mum marrying a non-Bengali non-Muslim however she said that was not possible and then ignored the situation. He has just brought up the issue again and she said that he will lose her. I know he has no plans of leaving his family and I do not expect him to. He said he will try again and explain the situation to her to see if she will compromise. The thing is I love him and want to be with him, but I am not sure if I can live within their culture. I am happy to convert, however, I live a very liberal and independent lifestyle. He says that a lot of thing would have to change if we were to marry because of his culture: values, food, dress, socialising etc. This scares me as I feel it is changing who I am. But I really want to be with him. Is there anyone who has experienced the same? Or knows what it is like for a girl to live with a Bengali family? Thanks… ~ kaminis

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